Resilient Life Therapy (RLT) offers brief intensive therapy by utilizing Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and somatic therapies in individual and group therapy settings.

Resilient Life Therapy (RLT) offers brief intensive therapy by utilizing Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and somatic therapies in individual and group therapy settings.
Individual Therapy
The approach at Resilient Life Therapy works really well for people who have a sense of who they are; that is, they are walking in their calling or know what they are meant to do, but just feel sort of ‘stuck.’ You might be in a successful job, or recently embarked on parenthood, or are pursuing your career in school — and you want to be effective in your role. You’re an influencer but you’re running up against barriers that keep you from being your best self. You’re struggling with mental health symptoms (i.e., anxiety, panic, low self-esteem), unhealthy behaviors (i.e., lack of follow through, problems in relationships), or unwanted urges (i.e. addiction, self-sabotage) AND you want to get to the root of the matter. You are results-oriented but you don’t want to be in therapy for years and years to get ‘unstuck.'
Individual Therapy
Transitioning into young adulthood can be very challenging. You’re still balancing being dependent on your parents with finding your way as an independent and self-sufficient person. It can be difficult to navigate as you emerge into adulthood. You may be struggling with friend groups, identifying what you truly value, or figuring out what’s next. If you’d like some help with this transition, reach out at the information provided and we can discuss how therapy could be of value to you through this transition.
Individual and Group Therapy
Individual Therapy
If you’ve recently experienced a trauma, and find your function has dropped significantly, this approach will likely be a good fit for you. EMDR therapy is extremely effective for eliminating symptoms associated with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Check out my page on trauma, how it effects function, and hear a message of hope. You can make a comeback!
Group Therapy
Update: Group is on Hold. If you are interested in group therapy, please contact me and I’ll include you on my list for when groups resume.
I also offer an 8-week group curriculum focused helping individuals learn skills and strategies to stabilize emotionally, learn to be more present, while increasing awareness and insight about how the effects of trauma and patterns of adversity might be keeping you “stuck”. Learning alongside others takes courage AND is also a powerful way to augment learning as group members hear from others as well. For deeper work to be effective preparation is key. This group is geared toward helping individuals feel better while also preparing them to do the deeper work so they can leave the past in the past. Click here for group flyer that includes the details.